Monday, 31 August 2015

What angle should my solar panel be so my fountain runs for as much of the day as possible?

People are often suprised by the angle that solar panels work best. These panels are HUGE compared to the ones we use but notice how shallow the angle is. In your garden, with our small panels, think almost flat then up a bit... That means that whatever position the sun is , it's light will be on the glass, so that your fountain runs longer.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

stockport flower show..

Well done to the Design and Build Team. They've just finished creating a fantastic garden which will be part of the exhibition at the Southport Flower Show as from tomorrow using a solar solutions fountain. A really worthwhile charity organisation.

The time of year when everyone plans new ponds

 It's the time of year when gardeners start to reflect and plan which means that this is our busiest time of year (and yours!) but we are currently getting orders out within 7 days! Of course this changes day to day so please email or ring us for latest delivery times. Thanks Alex